Monday, June 21, 2010

In January-June, the transport of iron ore increased by 5,9%

Transport enterprises of Ukraine in January-June 2007 carried 430.2 million tons of cargo, which is 7,4% more than during the corresponding period in 2006, according to State Statistics Committee.

Turnover during the six months increased by 2,2% - to 240.3 billion ton-kilometers (tkm).
Freight railways increased by 11,2%, including the administration of goods - by 8,1%.

Administration of goods increased on all railways of the country: the South - on 7,4%, South-West - by 17,9%, Pridneprovskaya - 5,8%, Donetsk - 5,7%, Lviv - by 9,2% and Odessa railway - on 25,6%.
Sending building materials increased by 32.3%, cement - by 16.3%, ferrous metals - by 10.1%, iron and manganese ore - 5,9%, ferrous metals - by 14,6%, coke - 9,3%, oil and petroleum products - by 1,9%, chemicals and mineral fertilizers - by 14.9%, timber cargo - by 11.8%.

However, 8% declined to send grain and grinding, coal - by 3,3%.

The average daily discharge of cars in general increased by 10,1%, including at the Lviv railway - 11% Pridneprovskaya - 9,9%, South West - 21.1%, of Odessa - 8%, South - to 18,3% and Donetsk - by 8,4%.

The domestic sea and river trade fleet has increased the freight by 14,4%, in general, customers delivered 10.7 million tons of cargo.

Cargo river transport enterprises increased by 20,1% compared with January-June 2006, sea transport - by 6,9%. Cross-border transport of goods by sea fell by 6%, river - on 0,5%.

The volume of transshipment trade and fishing ports, as well as industrial piers (marine and river) increased by 18,3% - to 86.4 million tons.

Transshipment of imported goods increased by 16,6%, transit of goods - by 38,6% and internal communications - by 47,8%. Handling of export cargo decreased by 0,7%.

Number of treated vessels - foreign and infraht - increased by 17,3% and amounted to 9.9 thousand units.

Companies road transport (including transport entrepreneurs-individuals) in the first half of 2007, moved 74.2 million tons of cargo, which is 19,1% more compared to the same period in 2006. Completed turnover in the amount of 13.2 billion ton-kilometers, which increased by 19,2% due to long-distance and international traffic.

Main pipelines transported 97.6 million tons of cargo, which is 8,1% less than six months of 2006. Pumping gas decreased by 15.8%, ammonia - by 4,7%, transportation of oil - increased by 20,4%. Transit of oil has increased by 28,3%, while gas and ammonia - decreased by 16,8% and 1,9% respectively.

In January-June 2007, air transport carried 47.1 tonnes of cargo, which is 10,2% less than the same period last year. Cargo air transport increased by 1,4% - to 162.8 million ton-km.

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